• 单词拼写(首字母已给出)【小题1】This song always r________ me of my childhood.【小题2】When I was young, I lived in a beautiful town s_________ by trees and flowers.【小题3】What a___________ for his failure?【小题4】He looks pale and weak today. It is o________ that he is ill.【小题5】In order to keep healthy, you should eat a b_________ diet.【小题6】This is a non-smoking area, so no one is p_______ smoking here.【小题7】Although the boy is only four, he has a g_______ for music.【小题8】What he said at the meeting i_________ everyone present deeply.【小题9】Reading is useful and you can b________ a lot from it.【小题10】A friend in need is a friend i_______.试题及答案-填空题-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      【小题1】This song always r________ me of my childhood.
      【小题2】When I was young, I lived in a beautiful town s_________ by trees and flowers.
      【小题3】What a___________ for his failure?
      【小题4】He looks pale and weak today. It is o________ that he is ill.
      【小题5】In order to keep healthy, you should eat a b_________ diet.
      【小题6】This is a non-smoking area, so no one is p_______ smoking here.
      【小题7】Although the boy is only four, he has a g_______ for music.
      【小题8】What he said at the meeting i_________ everyone present deeply.
      【小题9】Reading is useful and you can b________ a lot from it.
      【小题10】A friend in need is a friend i_______.



      【小题1】 根据always,可知使用一般现在时,又因为This song是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单数
      【小题2】“a beautiful town”与分词之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语
      【小题6】主语no one与动作之间是被动关系,故用被动语态
      【小题7】have a gift for是固定用法,意思是对……有天赋
      【小题10】A friend in need is a friend indeed.是习语,意思是患难见真情。
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