• 把下列单词填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填单词的形式变化):block recognize retell identity actually subwaystandard government accent present nativevocabulary include command apartment rule requestinternational direction northwestern lightning rapidly, while Americans say ____________.22 India was once __________by Britain and won its independence in 1947.试题及答案-其他题型-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      block recognize retell identity actually subway
      standard government accent present native
      vocabulary include command apartment rule request
      international direction northwestern lightning rapidly
      , while Americans say ____________.
      22 India was once __________by Britain and won its independence in 1947.



      1 Lightning 2 directions 3 blocks 4 accent 5 recognize 6 northwestern
      7 standard 8 retell 9 requested 10 command 11 rapidly 12 government
      13 identity 14 vocabulary 15 present 16 Actually 17 Native 18 including
      19 international 20 subway 21 apartment 22 ruled