• 把下列单词填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填单词的形式变化):shake rise smelly pond burst canal steam ruin injure destroy brick dam shock rescue electricity disaster organize bury mine shelter fresh speech judge honour prepare1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind.2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today.3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing foofball last week.4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________.5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________.6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man.7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake.8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________.9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes.10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday.11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house.12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________.14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China.15 After getting hanged Saddam Husin _________ in his home town.16 Three Gorges (峡)________ on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world.17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying.18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening.19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year.20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death.21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝).22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain.23 Five soliders were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow.24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶).25 The bad weather _________ our trip.试题及答案-其他题型-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      shake rise smelly pond burst canal steam ruin injure destroy brick dam shock rescue electricity disaster organize bury mine shelter fresh speech judge honour prepare
      1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind.
      2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today.
      3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing foofball last week.
      4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________.
      5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________.
      6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man.
      7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake.
      8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________.
      9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes.
      10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday.
      11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house.
      12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.
      13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________.
      14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China.
      15 After getting hanged Saddam Husin _________ in his home town.
      16 Three Gorges (峡)________ on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world.
      17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying.
      18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening.
      19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year.
      20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death.
      21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝).
      22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain.
      23 Five soliders were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow.
      24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶).
      25 The bad weather _________ our trip.



      1 fresh 2 electricity 3 injured 4 shaking 5 speech 6 disaster 7 were destroyed
      8 rise 9 judge 10 organized 11 bricks 12 pond 13 smelly 14 honoured
      15 was buried 16 Dam 17 burst 18 preparing 19 mine 20 shocked 21 Canal
      22 shelter 23 rescue 24 Steam 25 ruined


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