• When I was in high school, my father retired and set up a food booth on the street near my school. He was particularly good at making . Every day after I finished school, my classmates and I would his food booth. But I really talking to him before his food booth, because I didn’t want my classmates to know my father was selling noodles on the street!One night, I couldn’t it any more and shouted, “Dad, could you selling your annoying noodles? I don’t need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment, my father was . He tried to say something but didn’t. When he turned , something happened that I would never . His eyes were filled with tears. I saw him for the first time. My mother later told me my father was selling noodles to money for my college education. Even today I still feel for what I did that night.Time really flies. I finished and then left my home to work. During the past years, whenever I home, he was always there meeting me at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me, although I always his hug. When I was away from home, he never wrote or telephoned me, he always pushed my mother to telephone me. Whenever my mother was telephoning me, he’d sit beside her with a list of questions. He’d my mother to talk to me for him. That’s the way he is, and that’s how he shows his to me. My father is quiet, but I feel a , which is deep and powerful. It lives in a place far beyond , and it is something special-“a silent father’s love”.【小题1】 A.chicken试题及答案-完形填空-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      When I was in high school, my father retired and set up a food booth on the street near my school. He was particularly good at making . Every day after I finished school, my classmates and I would his food booth. But I really talking to him before his food booth, because I didn’t want my classmates to know my father was selling noodles on the street!
      One night, I couldn’t it any more and shouted, “Dad, could you selling your annoying noodles? I don’t need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment, my father was . He tried to say something but didn’t. When he turned , something happened that I would never . His eyes were filled with tears. I saw him for the first time. My mother later told me my father was selling noodles to money for my college education. Even today I still feel for what I did that night.
      Time really flies. I finished and then left my home to work. During the past years, whenever I home, he was always there meeting me at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me, although I always his hug. When I was away from home, he never wrote or telephoned me, he always pushed my mother to telephone me. Whenever my mother was telephoning me, he’d sit beside her with a list of questions. He’d my mother to talk to me for him. That’s the way he is, and that’s how he shows his to me.
      My father is quiet, but I feel a , which is deep and powerful. It lives in a place far beyond , and it is something special-“a silent father’s love”.



      【小题1】B 名词辨析。下文提到父亲卖面条(noodle),所以此处指父亲擅长做面条。所以选择B。
      【小题2】A 动词辨析。根据句意,每天放学后,我和同学们都会经过(pass)父亲的面摊。B观看;C拜访;D广告宣传。根据句意选择A。
      【小题3】B 动词辨析。根据下文说,我不愿意让同学知道父亲在街上卖面条,所以此处指“讨厌(hate)跟父亲在面摊前说话。A.喜欢;C.考虑,认为;D.继续。所以选择B。
      【小题4】A 动词辨析。根据句意,一天晚上我实在忍受(stand)不住,向父亲大吼起来。B.值得,应该; C.原谅;D.消化,吸收。所以选择A。
      【小题5】C 动词辨析。下文用annoying修饰noodles,而且作者反对父亲卖面条,所以作者想让父亲停止(stop)卖面条。所以选择C。
      【小题6】D 形容词辨析。 当父亲听到我的吼叫“我不要一个在街上卖面条的父亲”时,肯定感到很震惊(shocked)。A 疲惫的;B困惑的;C感兴趣的;D震惊的。所以选择D。
      【小题7】A turn的短语辨析。A turn around“转身”;B turn back“回头”;C turn up“出现,调大”;D turn down“拒绝,调小”。所以答案选A。
      【小题8】B 动词辨析。父亲转身的时候,发生了一件让我终生难忘的事情。所以答案用B forget。
      【小题9】B 动词辨析。上句说父亲满眼是泪,所以我第一次看见他哭(weeping)。
      【小题10】A 动词辨析。母亲告诉我,父亲卖面条是为了给我攒(save)大学学费。
      【小题11】D 形容词辨析。直到今天我依然为那晚上我的所作所为感到愧疚(guilty)。feel guilty for“对……感到愧疚”。
      【小题12】D 考查上下文。上文提到父亲给我攒大学学费,下文又说离开家去工作,所以此处指finish college(大学毕业)。
      【小题13】A 动词辨析。return home“回家”,照应上文的left my home。
      【小题14】C 副词辨析。最后一段说父亲是一个quiet的人,而且父亲对我爱是一种“无声的爱”,所以说,每次回家时,父亲总是在车站静静地(quietly)等着迎接我。A害羞地;B有规律地;D负责任地。
      【小题15】C 动词辨析。每次送我走的时候,他从不拥抱我,尽管我期望(expect)他能拥抱我。A看见;B拒绝;D 回报。
      【小题16】B 连词辨析。前句说父亲从不给我写信打电话,后句说他催着母亲给我打电话。所以前后是转折关系,用but连接。
      【小题17】C 动词辨析。父亲会让母亲替他跟我说话。tell sb. to do sth.“告诉某人干某事”。A强迫;B挑战;D鼓励。
      【小题18】A 名词辨析。这就是他的方式,这就是他如何向我表示关爱(love)的。
      【小题19】A 名词辨析。爸爸是个文静不爱说话的人,但我感觉到(我们之间)一种内在而又有力量的联系(connection)存在。 B竞争,竞赛;C条件;D结合。根据句意选择A。
      【小题20】D 名词辨析。这种联系存在于远不能用语言(words)来表达的地方。A问候;B受伤;C联系; D语言,话语。根据句意选择D。
