• American middle school students don’t seem to care that they’re worse at maths than their counterparts (同龄人) in China’s Hong Kong and Finland. “I don’t need it,” my student says, “I’m going to be a basketball star.” Or a car mechanic, or a singer.试题及答案-阅读理解-云返教育

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      American middle school students don’t seem to care that they’re worse at maths than their counterparts (同龄人) in China’s Hong Kong and Finland. “I don’t need it,” my student says, “I’m going to be a basketball star.” Or a car mechanic, or a singer.



      【小题1】C推理题:从第一段学生说的话:“I don’t need it,” my student says, “I’m going to be a basketball star.” Or a car mechanic, or a singer.说明他们认为数学和他们的未来无关。
      【小题1】C细节题:从第三段的句子:Maths helps you make wise financial decisions, so you can avoid false claims from advertisers, politicians and others. It helps you determine risk.看出数学和我们的生活是密切相关的。
      【小题1】B推理题:从文章第四段的句子It is not possible to really understand science and the scientific method without understanding maths.看出没有数学我们会失去很多东西。
      【小题1】D推理题:从文章最后一段的:I try my best to help pupils find answers to some maths problems.可以看出作者是个数学老师。


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