• 按要求翻译下列句子(每小题3分,满分15分)【小题1】Jane和Mike相处融洽,同甘共苦。(get along with)______________________________________________ ________ _.【小题2】你应该好好利用机会练习讲英语 . (make use of)______________________________________________ ________ _.【小题3】我已经决心那样做了。不管你说什么我都不会改主意了。 (determine)______________________________________________ ________ _.【小题4】工资下跌物价上涨,现今在大城市谋生很难。(With )______________________________________________ ________ _.【小题5】使我们的学校成为一个愉快的学习场所是每个学生的职责。 (make)______________________________________________ ________ _.试题及答案-其他题型-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      【小题1】Jane和Mike相处融洽,同甘共苦。(get along with)
      ______________________________________________ ________ _.
      【小题2】你应该好好利用机会练习讲英语 . (make use of)
      ______________________________________________ ________ _.
      【小题3】我已经决心那样做了。不管你说什么我都不会改主意了。 (determine)
      ______________________________________________ ________ _.
      【小题4】工资下跌物价上涨,现今在大城市谋生很难。(With )
      ______________________________________________ ________ _.
      【小题5】使我们的学校成为一个愉快的学习场所是每个学生的职责。 (make)
      ______________________________________________ ________ _.



      【小题1】Jane and Mike get along quite well with each other and share happiness and sorrow.
      【小题1】You should make use of every chance to practice speaking English.
      【小题1】I’ve determined to do that。No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind.
      【小题1】With the income going down and price rising, it’s hard to make a living in big cities.
      【小题1】It’s every student’s duty to make our school a pleasant place to learn in.
      【小题1】翻译的时候注意:相处融洽get along quite well with ,同甘共苦share happiness and sorrow.
      【小题1】翻译的时候注意:好好利用make use of every chance ,不定式做目的状语和练习做…:to practice speaking English.
      【小题1】决定做…:determine to do,No matter what 引导的是让步状语从句,改变主意change my mind.
      【小题1】考查with复合结构:With the income going down and price rising,和it‘s+adj+to do句型:谋生make a living。
      【小题1】考查句型:It’s +名词+ to do,make +a pleasant place to do


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