• 下列句子均有错误,选出错误并在横线上改正。( ) 1. There is many books on the shelf. A B C( ) 2. Do you likes my room? A B C( ) 3. What is your room likes? A B C( ) 4. There is two end tables in my room. A B C( ) 5. The tiger has four leg. A B C试题及答案-改错题-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      ( ) 1. There is many books on the shelf.
      A B C
      ( ) 2. Do you likes my room?
      A B C
      ( ) 3. What is your room likes?
      A B C
      ( ) 4. There is two end tables in my room.
      A B C
      ( ) 5. The tiger has four leg.
      A B C


      1. A-are 2. B-like 3. C-like 4. A-are 5. C-legs

    There be 句型相关试题

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