• Read and correct. 读句子并将句子中的错误在横线上改正。1. I am going to swimming in the lake. 2. Jenny and I watch TV tomorrow. 3. Is this building high and low ? 4. How many exercise do you need ? 5. Everyone are going to wake up at seven.试题及答案-改错题-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      Read and correct. 读句子并将句子中的错误在横线上改正。
      1. I am going to swimming in the lake.

      2. Jenny and I watch TV tomorrow.

      3. Is this building high and low ?

      4. How many exercise do you need ?

      5. Everyone are going to wake up at seven.


      l. swimming-swim 2. watch-will watch 3. and-or
      4. many-much 5. are-is


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