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    • ,求f(4)的值.
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    • (14分)2011年我国加入世贸组织10周年。阅读材料,回答问题。
      材料一 入世十年,是中国与世界共嬴的十年。十年来,中国认真履行入世承诺,坚持扩大开放,融入世界经济主流,全面参与全球经济治理机制建设,已成为世界第一大出口和第二大进口国、全球第二大经济体和第一大贡献国。中国年均进口7500亿美元的商品,相当于为贸易伙伴创造约1400万个就业岗位;同时物美价廉的中国商品也使国外消费者普遍受益。在华投资的外商企业累计汇出的利润是2617亿美元,年均增长30%。中国对外投资企业聘用的当地员工接近80万人,每年在当地纳税超过100亿美元。
      材料二 2000—2010年我国出口商品结构图

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    • (14分)根据下列材料,回答问题。


      半球。在材料三中,D地的气候主要是受图中 气压带和 风带(填数码)的交替控制而形成的。(3分)
      ,其分布的规律是 。在材料三的ABCD四地中,属于这种气候类型的是 。(3分)
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    • ,求f(4)的值.
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    • 已知f(x)=x2+2x,x∈[-2,1],给出事件A:f(x)≥a.
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    • 下列对李白《梦游天姥吟留别》所绘形象分析不恰当的一项是( ▲ )(3分)
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    • 材料一: 2007—2009年江苏科技研发投入和科技产业发展情况科技研发投入
      (亿元) 科技对经济的
      贡献率(%) 高新技术产业占规模以
      上工业比重(%) 2007年 430.2 24.3 27 2008年 584.5 35.8 28 2009年 700 52.3‘ 30 注:2009年前三季度江苏高新技术产业产值分区域所占比重分别是:苏南71.27%、苏中21.19%、苏北7.54%。
      材料三: 情景一:一家大工厂招收开机床的工人,开出60元到80元一天的工资,但是要求能看懂机床构造图,由于劳务市场上没几个人能看懂,所以招不到工人。

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    • BEIJING,Nov.25,2005(Reuters)—China’s home-grown human bird flu vaccine is at least a year away from hitting the market but tests on humans have been approved (批准) by the government,head of the research drug company said on Friday.
      Development of the vaccine started last year after bird flu outbreaks in Thailand and Vietnam and animal trials have already been completed,said Yin Wei-dong,managing director of Sinovac Biotech.
      “It is not a virus that is spreading from human to human,so we are very optimistic,” Yin told Reuters in an interview.
      The deadly H5N1 made its first known jump to humans in Hong Kong in 1997,killing six people.The virus appeared again in late 2003 and is known to have infected 130 people in several parts of Asia,killing 68 of them.
      “It is not decided yet when the human trials will begin.We just got approval on November 22 by the State Food and Drug Administration,” Yin said.
      Oregon,Nov.26,2005(AP)—The deadly strain of bird flu that appeared in Asia and has already spread to other parts of the world has not affected the Oregon poultry (家禽) industry or consumers,according to Oregon State University researchers.
      There are many strains of bird flu that do not usually infect humans.But one strain,called H5N1,has jumped from chickens to humans and is blamed for more than 60 deaths in Asia.
      International disease control experts are worried about a worldwide outbreak of bird flu,raising concerns such as whether it is safe to eat poultry.
      But Oregon State University researchers say there is no proof that the virus can jump to humans by eating cooked poultry products.
      “Consumers needn’t be overly concerned about bird flu,” said Jim Hermes,OSU Extension Service poultry specialist.But he urged consumers to follow standard food safety practices in preparing poultry—including washing hands while preparing food,and proper cooking of poultry meat and eggs.
      He noted that a 2003 outbreak of bird virus caused much damage to commercial poultry operations in California but did not get into Oregon because of industry safeguards.
      60.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the first news report?
      A.Human trials have already started but not yet successful.
      B.Bird flu killed 68 Asian people in its second outbreak.
      C.The bird flu virus is not one that spreads from human to human.
      D.The government has agreed to have the vaccine tried on humans.
      61.What does the first news report mainly talk about?
      A.The new outbreak of the bird flu.
      B.How the development of the bird flu vaccine is going on.
      C.How many people died of bird flu.
      D.What measures the government has taken to stop the spreading of bird flu.
      62.What does the underlined word “strains” probably mean?
      A.signs. B.symbols. C.kinds. D.diseases.
      63.What can we know from the second news report?
      A.Because of the safety guards,Oregon poultry industry didn’t suffer any loss in
      the 2003 outbreak of bird flu.
      B.People in Oregon are not concerned about bird flu.
      C.People will develop bird flu even if they eat well-cooked poultry products.
      D.H5N1 has caused more than 60 deaths worldwide.
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