• 2016湖北高考试题库全国卷试题及答案-云返教育

    • “改进调查研究,到基层调研要深入了解真实情况,总结经验、研究问题、解决困难、指导工作,向群众学习、向实践学习”是因为:
      ①实践是人们改造客观世界的活动 ②实践是个人与社会相统一的基础
      ③实践是认识的来源和发展的动力 ④实践是人们获得认识的唯一途径
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 在电子显微镜下观察洋葱根尖细胞,找不到
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 下列物质间的转化不能通过一步反应完成的是         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 一定是同源染色体的是
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 下列说法错误的是
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 下列化合物中含有手性碳原子的是(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 中共十八大报告把生态文明建设放在突出地位,提出“我们一定要更加自觉地珍爱自然,更加积极地保护生态,努力走向社会主义生态文明新时代”。建设生态文明,需借鉴历史经验教训。阅读材料,回答问题。
      材料一 工业化时期,英国城市环境问题主要表现为:极其恶劣的居住环境,不容忽视的大气污染,日益严峻的河流污染,这些对英国社会造成持久而深远的危害。城市环境问题的产生,除了受工业化时期的技术制约以外,还与当时人们对环境污染的漠视态度以及“自由放任”的工业化模式有关。
      材料二 1848年英国颁布了《公共卫生法》,1878年通过了《公共卫生条例》,至此英国基本上建立起了完整的水资源污染防治的法律体系。工人阶级提出了改善自己生活条件的要求,并将此作为自己的基本权利。值得注意的是,在工人阶级的这些要求中,实际上也包括着,改善公共卫生条件,消除环境污染等内容……。英国公共卫生体系的创立者查德威克,在1842年发表了调查报告《英国劳动人口卫生状况》,用大量事实说明了环境污染造成的疾病流行,并提出了一系列对策。他们锲而不舍的努力,换来了环境的改善,使人们重新获得享有良好环境的权利。
      材料三 下图显示了工业化以来世界经济发展与环境质量之间的关系。

      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 把下列单词填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填单词的形式变化):
      hero quality willing active republic principle fight prison period advise continue youth league stage vote position accept violence peaceful blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward criminal president sincerely
      1 The Society for the Prevention of _________ to Animals (SPCA 动物保护协会) is a well known organization in the world.
      2 The girl wrapped herself with a _________ to keep herself warm.
      3 The famous actress first appeared on the _________ only in her teens.
      4 The two boys who were _________ in the playground were ordered to stop.
      5 People regarded him as a ________, for he saved a drowning 8-year-old boy out of a freezing lake.
      6 You really deserve a _________ for being so helpful.
      7 My uncle received a doctor’s _________of medicine in America in 1998 and returned to China the following year.
      8 He obtained 89% of the __________ and was elected president of the Party.
      9 Nelson Mandela was put in ________ a few times.
      10 People often value the _________ of a product rather than its packaging.
      11 The _________ was charged with robbing a bank and sentenced to death.
      12 Two soliders _________ the government office building all the time.
      13 My father was promoted to a higher _________ for his achievements.
      14 I stayed in Japan for only a short _________ of time.
      15 Those boys are so helpful that they are always ________ to help others.
      16 George Bush was elected _________ of the USA a second time in 2004.
      17 All my family are well _________, of whom my brother studied in Harvard University.
      18 I am a Party member and never ________any bribe(贿赂) from others.
      19 The doctor _________ me to take more exercise so that I can keep fit.
      20 Some students are very ________ in answering teachers’ questions while others just keep silent when asked any question.
      21 I _________ hope that you won’t let me down.
      22 To his ________, he found a figure coming towards him in the darkness.
      23 What really worries those parents is that there is too much sex and _______ on TV.
      24 The rain ________ falling all afternoon. But it came to a stop by dark.
      25 PRC is short for the People’s _________ of China.
      26 His son has been missing for five days and now police are beginning to _______ the worst.
      27 After retirement she moved to the country and lived a ________ life.
      28 The _________ play an important role in building our country.
      29 I have been a ________ member for 3 years.
      30 Stick to your ________ and tell him that you won’t do it.
      类型: 其他题型     难度系数:


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