• 2012贵州学优网 高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • 2007年6月3日《人民日报》发表评论员文章指出,文化是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家的软实力,是支撑民族进步的脊梁。文化不是经济的附庸,随着社会的发展,文化日益成为占主导地位的资源,成为具有决定意义的生产要素。这说明         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 德国哲学家费尔巴哈说: “如果上帝的观念是鸟类创造的,那么上帝一定是长着羽毛的动物;假如牛能绘画,那么它画出来的上帝一定是一头牛。”上述观点蕴含的哲学道理是
      A.只要有了人脑,就能产生意识 B.人脑是产生意识的物质器官
      C.错误的意识不是客观事物的反映 D.意识的根源在于客观存在
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • “宇宙飞船经济”是把地球看成一个巨大的宇宙飞船,除了能量要依靠太阳供给外,人类的一切物质需要靠完善的循环来得到满足。生命就是在这川流不息的物质循环中得以体现的。“宇宙飞船经济”要求人类按照生态学原理建造一个自给自足的、不产生污染的经济或生产体系,它将是一种封闭的经济体系,其内部具有极完善的物质循环和更新的性能。据此完成小题。

      A.地理环境决定论思想       B.人定胜天思想
      C.人地对抗性思想 D.和谐论思想
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 甲物体与乙物体相互摩擦,没有其他物体参与电荷的交换,发现甲物体带了9.6×10-16C的正电荷.以下结论正确的是(  )
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:
    • 如图,矩形线圈面积为S,匝数为n,线圈电阻为r,在磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中绕口口′轴以角速度ω匀速转动,外电路阻值为R.在线圈由图示位置转过的过程中,求:(a)线圈产生感应电动势的瞬时值表达式e=         
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 如图12-6-7所示,在x轴上A、B为振动情况相同的波源,同时向同一方向振动,相距3 m,振幅为0.05 m,两列波波长都为2 m,问:

      (1)x轴上坐标为1.0 m、1.5 m、2.0 m、2.5 m处质点的振幅各是多大?
      (2)若波速为5 m/s,则2.5 m处的质点F在0.8 s内通过的路程为多少?
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 选择土壤中分解尿素的微生物所需氮源为         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • .
      What seemed impossible is possible nowadays. One spring afternoon last year a group of 36 attacked a 15-year-old girl in the Berlin district of K?penick. They hit her in the face and pushed her to the ground. When the victim 37 to hand over her money, some of them held her down and 38 her arms with a lighted cigarette. The 39 were not a gang of boys, but of 13- to 15-year-old girls.
      While men are still responsible for the 40 of crimes in Germany, 41 violence is on the rise. Young girls and women of all 42 groups are becoming more violent, and that has been a 43 trend for several years. Last year in Berlin, the 44 of female suspects of violent crime under the age of 21 increased by almost 8%, while that of male suspects 45 slightly. Violent crimes like 46 and serious bodily harm have even shot up by 18% and 25% among young women.
      Why are 47 women becoming more violent? Gender (性别) 48 may have something to do with it. Today's females are drinking and smoking more, and raising all sorts of 49 things. Girls and young women are generally less held back in adopting male forms of behavior. 50 , the same goes for the 51 of violence. The members of all-female gangs tend to be especially 52 . When particularly humiliating methods like burning or undressing are involved, the 53 will usually be girls. It seems to be all about showing the 54 , “Hey, we can do 55 than you.”
      36. A. terrorists
      37. A. refused
      38. A. twisted
      39. A. fighters
      40. A. majority
      41. A. strong
      42. A. working
      43. A. worldwide
      44. A. number
      45. A. remained
      46. A. drug taking
      47. A. stupid
      48. A. difference
      49. A. dirty
      50. A. However
      51. A. use
      52. A. beautiful
      53. A. watchers
      54. A. parents
      55. A. faster
      D. passers-by
      D. decided
      D. burned
      D. criminals
      D. few
      D. female
      D. interest
      D. family
      D. quality
      D. dropped
      D. poisoning
      D. German
      D. roles
      D. useless
      D. Finally
      D. rise
      D. boyish
      D. performers
      D. people
      D. more efficiently
      % b0 L: _: O( E V' X
      类型: 完形填空     难度系数:

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