• 2011四川成人高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • 马克思主义哲学是彻底完备的唯物主义哲学,这是指在内容上它实现了
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:
    • “在石头和植物中,可以找到同样的生命的主要原则,和在人类机体中所找到的一样;一切差别是在于这些形态的组合,在于各种器官的数量、比例、排列和形状”。这一思想认为
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:
    • 党的十七大对党章作了适当修改。党章把党的基本路线中的奋斗目标表述为:把我国建设成为富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。“和谐”这个词第一次出现在党的奋斗目标里,会起到()
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • (10分)了解党和国家作出决策的程序是公民政治素养的体现。在我国,这一程序一般是:首先由中国共产党提出建议,同时民主党派积极参与协商,形成决议后交给全国人民代表大会审议,人大审议的同时政协会议参与再协商,表决通过后由再具体部门负责组织实施。
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • “蚁族闹蜗居,神马驾浮云”,从虚拟世界到现实生活,网络热词成为了一种醒目的文化存在,真实地折射出时代的社会诉求,也在一定程度上影响甚至改变了人们的思维和表达方式。这表明①人们面临着文化消费的多重选择 ②人们在实践中创造和发展文化 ③大众传媒的商业性影响越来越大④大众文化对社会发展产生影响
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 陆地水体中对人类来说最重要的水体是         
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 若规定=|ad-bc|,则不等式<2的解集为
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:

    • "S. H.E. is going to sing at the CCTV annual Spring Festival Evening Party.Is that true?" cried out Peng Weiye, a Senior 2 girl in Shanghai and die-hard S. H.E. fan.
      After checking it on the Internet, Peng quickly phoned friends to spread the news. For fans like her, S. H. E. ’s performance is perhaps the only part of the old fashioned evening to get excited about.
      The Taiwanese band (乐队)is made up of Selina, Hebe and Ella. Their name comes from the first letter of each of the singers' English names.
      Last week S. H. E. announced they would perform in Las Vegas, US, over Christmas and then in Guangzhou on January 15.
      At their Shanghai show on October 30, hundreds of parents waited outside the Hongkou Stadium. Inside, thousands of teenagers sang, cried and shouted as the band performed.
      "I love their music, healthy image and everything related to them. Thank God that, although my parents don't understand why I love them so much, they still bought me a ticket for that show," said Peng about the Shanghai performance(演出).
      It is not just on the mainland(大陆) that the three girls have made audiences much excited. In the past year the band has passed through Taiwan, Hong Kong and even Singapore and Malaysia.
      When the three high school girls entered a singing contest in Taiwan in 2000, none of them ever dreamed of being a superstar. "We had never met before, and we didn't talk at all at the beginning," recalled Ella.
      When asked about the secret of their success, she said, "Our average looks(长相) and not-so-expensive clothes keep us close to our fans. We are happy to be the girls next door(邻家女孩), your singing sisters."
      "It's really a magical journey, from day-dreaming high school girls to singers performing on the same stage as our idols(偶像). Nothing but magical," she said.
      46. Why was Peng Weiye, a Senior 2 girl, so excited?
      A. S.H.E. band will get the old fashioned evening exciting.
      B. S. H.E. will perform in Las Vegas over Christmas.
      C. Her parents bought her a ticket for S. H. E. Is Shanghai show.
      D. S. H.E. will perform on the CCTV Spring Festival Evening Party.
      47. How did the Taiwanese band get the name?
      A. Their fans gave the name to them.
      B. Their idols had a deep influence on them.
      C. A singing contest gave their idea of the band name
      D. The first letters of Selina, Hebe and Ella form the band name.
      48. What do you know about Peng Weiye?
      A. She stayed outside the Hongkou Stadium to listen to S. H. E. 's performance.
      B. She will watch the performance in Guangzhou on January 15.
      C. She pays close attention to everything about S. H. E.
      D. She was grateful that her parents understood and supported her.
      49. Which is true about S. H. E. ?
      A. The secret to their success is their pretty faces and lovely clothes.
      B. They were close friends when they entered a singing contest.
      C. They caused a storm of excitement in Southeast Asia.
      D. They have well prepared to perform with their idols.
      50. Which do you think is NOT the reason for S. H. E’s popularity among their fans?
      A. Their music and their healthy image.
      B. They can make audience much excited.
      C. Their success meets their fans’ day dream of becoming others’ idols.
      D. Their average looks and not-so-expensive clothes keep them close to their fans.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:


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