• 2000-2006天津成人高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _______.
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • ①函数是偶函数,但不是奇函数.
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 判断函数f(x)=
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 材料一:2010年是我国改革开放32周年,深圳等设立经济特区30周年。三十多年来,我国经济建设取得了巨大成就,人民生活水平日益提高,但是,城乡、区域经济社会发展很不平衡,同时资源环境压力加大。
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 下列关于大气热力状况的叙述,正确的是
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 判断函数f(x)=
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 如图所示,为某一物体的速度--时间图象(曲线为
      圆弧),则由此可知物体是做(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 改革测试题(10分)
      材料一 罗马天主教会鼓吹“因行称义”的修道信条。所谓因行称义,是指一个基督徒靠其行事修为而成为符合上帝意愿的义人,灵魂得以升入天堂。因此,必须绝色弃欲、积功行善,诸如持斋、守贞、安贫、乞食、忍让、施舍,服从教会、遵守教规、购买赎罪券等,而入修道院修道是最佳途径。
      材料二 马丁·路德提出“因信称义”说。他认为,灵魂得救只须靠个人虔诚的信仰,根本不需要教会的繁琐仪式。上帝的恩典是上帝给人的礼物,只有上帝才能赦免罪人。信徒得救不靠行为,全凭信仰。要得救上天堂,不靠教会或行善,更不靠赎罪券。
      材料三 加尔文主张“信仰得救”。他认为得救在于信仰而不在于善行;而且得救与否取决于上帝预先的安排,上帝事先早已把人分为“选民”和“弃民”;选民发财致富,万事顺利,死后进入天堂,弃民则相反。他的信条正适合当时资产阶级中最果敢大胆的分子的要求。
      材料四 资本主义精神与传统精神是相对的。传统精神不讲效率,不受任何道德伦理的约束而不择手段地攫取财富。而资本主义意味着以“合理的”手段追求最大限度的利润,与此对应的资本主义精神表现为对生活的理性态度, 讲求效率和效果的做事方法。……新教尤其是加尔文教, 对于西方资本主义精神的产生“发生过巨大无比的杠杆作用”。
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:

    • A plane crash in Western Russian killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and the other 96 political and military officials on board on April 10. The accident has led to huge national mourning in Poland. But it may provide an opportunity for reconciliation (和解) between Poland and Russia, countries that have a troubled relationship.
      Many from the political elite were lost in the crash. Beside the president, the dead include the army chief of Staff, the head of National Security Bureau, the national bank president, the deputy foreign minister and other members of parliament.
      The Polish delegation was heading to Russia to mark the 70 th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre (屠杀) when the accident occurred. In 1940, about 22,000 Polish soldiers, intellectuals, and officials captured after the Soviet Army invaded Poland in 1939, were killed secretly by Soviet police in the forest of Russia’s Katyn.
      The Katyn Massacre had been a sensitive topic between the countries. The former Soviet Union always denied responsibility for the massacre. It was not until 1992 that Russian released archived documents about the killing.
      Katyn is merely a short chapter in Poland and Russia’s long and troubled history. In the 18 th century, along with Prussia, (then an important part of Germany) and Austria. Russia participated in three carve – ups of Poland. In 1795, after the third carve – up, the country was erased from the map of Europe. It was in 1918 that Poland regained its independence. But in 1939, at the beginning of the World War II, it was invaded by Germany and the Soviet Union under a secret pact. After the war, Poland became a communist country with close ties to the Soviet Union.
      In 1989, Poland switched to capitalism and pursued a pro – West position. The most recent tension between the two countries was in 2008. That year, Poland decided to have a US missile shield (导弹防御系统) on its soil, while neighboring Russia threatened to aim missiles at Poland.
      But the plane crash has created a chance for reconciliation, with Russia sharing the sadness of Poland. Russia has declared April 12 a day of mourning for the victims. Flags flew at half – mast in Moscow. And earlier on April 7, Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin became the first Russian leader to mark the anniversary of the massacre.
      “I think it should improve relations between the two countries, as Russians feel our grief,” said Radek Sikorski, Pland’s foreign minister.
      66.Put the following events in order of time.
      ①The Katyn Massacre
      ②Poland switched to capitalism.
      ③Russia divided Poland with Austria and Prussia.
      ④Poland became a communist country.
      ⑤Poland was invaded by the Soviet Army.
      A.③①④⑤② B.③⑤①④② C.①③⑤④② D.①⑤②④③
      67.After the accident, which of the following did Russia do to share the sadness of Poland?
      A.Flags were lowed to half – mast in the capital city of Russia.
      B.Russia threatened to aim missiles at Poland.
      C.Russia declared the day when the accident happened a day of mourning for the victims.
      D.Vladimir Putin marked the anniversary of the massacre.
      68.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A.The Katyn Massacre was the very beginning of Poland and Russia’s trouble relationship.
      B.In 1939 about 22,000 Polish soldiers, intellectuals, and officials were killed by Soviet police in the forest of Russia’s Katyn.
      C.Altogether 96 political and military officials were killed in the accident.
      D.The relationship between Poland and Russia has not always been tense since the three carve – ups of Poland in the 18 th century.
      69.It can be conclude from the article that .
      A.the relationship between Poland and Russia will be even tenser than before
      B.Poland will cancel its plan to mark the anniversary of the Katyn Massacre
      C.no Russian leaders have marked the anniversary of the massacre before, though Russia released the truth in 1992.
      D.Poland will forgive Russians, for they showed great sympathy after the accident.
      70.What would be the best title for the passage?
      A.The troubled relationship between Russia and Poland.
      B.Poland and Russia united by tragedy.
      C.The 70 th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre.
      D.A plane crash killing Polish president.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:


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