• 2011江西2016年成人高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • Changsha,
      Hunan Province
      May 6, 2010
      Dear editor,
      Under China’s current educational system, there are those who do nothing but study. They of course are thought to be model students.
      But I feel that there is another type of student who, perhaps not as diligent (勤奋的) as the first type, uses his time more efficiently and achieves a lot academically.
      Last year, a classmate of mine was accepted by a top university. It surprised all of us. It was because, unlike most of us, he didn’t spend too much of his time studying.
      When I asked him the secret of his success, he said that the key was properly and scientifically arranging his time.
      “ I spent a lot of time keeping fit and as a result, I was able to better concentrate (集中) on my class work.”
      The moral of the story is: it isn’t necessary to sit at your desk all day long to get high academic (学术) grades.
      Zhang Zishu
      【小题1】What does the letter-writer (a reader) think leads to the fact that many students do nothing but study?
      A.The present educational system.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • 定义在R上的函数f(x)满足:对任意的x1,x2∈R,(x1≠x2),有
      <0.则不等式f(-x2+2x)<f(x)的解集为(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • (2004?惠州一模)家用日光灯电路如图所示,S为启动器,A为灯管同,C为镇流器,关于日光灯的工作原理,下列说法正确的是(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 实验室用固态不纯氯化钠(含少量NH4HCO3和Na2SO4杂质)制取纯净氯化钠溶液.下列操作可供选用:①逐滴加入稀盐酸,调pH值为5;②煮沸;③加蒸馏水溶解;④加热至不再产生气体为止;⑤加入稍过量的Na2CO3溶液;⑥加入稍过量的BaCl2溶液;⑦过滤.上述实验操作的正确顺序应是(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 秦惠文王即位后,商鞅遭迫害出逃至一客栈投宿,客栈主人不敢收留,说:“商君定有法律,谁让没有凭证的旅客住宿,谁就要连坐的。”这个故事主要说明
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 阅读下列材料:(10分)
      材料一 16世纪时,商人们把亚洲的茶叶、丝绸、瓷器、香料,非洲的黄金和象牙,美洲的黄金、白银、玉米、烟草和欧洲的枪支、工艺品等运往世界各地。
      材料二 两次工业革命的部分成果

      材料三 马克思、恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中说:“美洲的发现、绕过非洲的航行,给新兴的资产阶级开辟了新天地。东印度和中国的市场、美洲的殖民化、对殖民地的贸易、交换手段和一般商品的增加,使商业、航海业和工业空前高涨,因而使正在崩溃的封建社会内部的革命因素迅速发展。”
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 根据下列各题所给的短语翻译句子,并在答题卡上各题横线中写出该句子的正确英文形式。
      【小题1】你的任务是把词语更换一下让句子有意义。(make sense)

      【小题2】这些行为与他的原则是一致的。(be consistent with)

      【小题3】我当众表达意见十分谨慎。(be cautious about)

      【小题4】.她总是对一切很乐观,哪怕身处逆境。(be optimistic about)

      【小题5】彼得失业已经半年了,因此他想在这家公司申请一份工作。(apply for)
      类型: 其他题型     难度系数:
    • 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150左右的英语短文。
      Insistence or Giving up
      There is a battle in our daily life. Two forces are fighting with each other again and again. They never stop until you are buried in the earth. We called them insistence and giving up. They are like twins. One is angle, and the other is a demon..
      As we all know, we want to pass the CET-4. So we get our own strategy. First of all, I am bound to master five thousand vocabularies. Second, I will write an article every week which is at least two hundred words. Then I will read at least two English articles, make more friends with foreigners for learning native English, and listening to some English news broadcast every day.
      Nevertheless, according to my strategy, the first day, I should wake up at 6 a.m. to memorize at least twenty words. The alarm clock rings for me; I should get rid of my bed in order to study. Suddenly, “Giving up” came and whispered to me. “What about a five-minute prolong sleeping? How soft, comfortable this bed is! But Ms Insistence urged me, “Don’t listen to him; Come on, let’s carry out our plan.” Her voice is sweet, but not what I need.
      Time flies! If we can’t seize every opportunity to appreciate time, Mr. Giving up will win all the time. Insistence of your plan, your dream may not be accomplished successfully, but giving up, you are sure to fail in life. (237w)
      有些人做事有时候缺乏持之以恒的毅力。请就“坚持” 还是 “放弃”的话题发表你自己的看法,内容要点包括:
      1 以约30个词概括阅读材料的要点;
      2 请选择一个角度,用你自己或朋友的经历,以约120个词谈谈自己的观点,内容包括:
      类型: 写作     难度系数:


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