• 2015上海妇产科副高考试题库下载试题及答案-云返教育

    • 已知f(x)是定义域为R的奇函数,且当x>0时,f(x)=x3+x+1时
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 已知f(2x+1)=
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 如果二次函数y=3x2+2(a-1)x+b在区间(-∞,1]上是减函数,那么a的取值范围是         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 如图所示为一轻弹簧的长度L和弹力F大小的关系,求:(1)弹簧的劲度系数为          N/m;(2)当弹力为15N时,弹簧的长度为          cm.
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 与磁感强度B=0.8T垂直的线圈面积为0.05m2,线圈的磁通量多大?若这个线圈绕有50匝时,磁通量有多大?线圈位置如转过53°时磁通量多大?
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 下列关于基因表达的叙述中,正确的是:
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 如果二次函数y=3x2+2(a-1)x+b在区间(-∞,1]上是减函数,那么a的取值范围是         
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 已知f(2x+1)=
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 在中学毕业作文中,马克思以“人类的幸福”和“我们自身的完美”作为自己选择职业的目标,并倾注了毕生精力实践上述理想。他在19世纪40年代取得的实践成果是
      A.参与第一国际的创立 B.出版《资本论》
      C.声援巴黎公社的斗争 D.创立科学社会主义
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
      People usually get into a hard life and are unable to escape from themselves.
      There was once a poor and disappointed salesman complaining every day that there was no for him to display his ability and the was often pulling his legs.
      At Christmas Eve, every family their houses with lanterns and streamers and it was very everywhere. But he was alone sitting in a bench in a park and recalling the past. It was on the same day last year when he was also alone his Christmas day away, new clothes, new shoes, let alone a new car and a new house.
      “Damn! I have to spend this Christmas day with these old shoes again. ” he and began to take off the old shoes. , he glanced at a young man in a wheel chair passing by him with his hands strugglingly pushing the wheel forward. It him that he was so lucky to have shoes to wear while that man did not even have the . Afterwards, the sales man did anything with a calm and cherished every opportunity to improve himself. He worked hard and tried his best to make progress every day. Several years later, he changed his life totally and became a millionaire.
      If you look all around, you will find there are so many people who were born in the society but they are in life and never complain about the unfair destiny. They are also not to beg others’ giving. Instead, they constantly to make themselves stronger and more excellent to the society. By contrast, we should feel . We are born healthy, but we are with life; we complain about our colleagues and dissatisfy with our jobs.
      Maybe all of us would feel afraid when we realize we have fallen into such state of life, but worse is that you even do not you have fallen into such a dangerous situation.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:


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