• 2014新疆2016高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • 教育公平问题近来又引起人们的热议。有人指出:我国当前存在的种种教育不公平问题,
      既有历史的原因,也有现实的原因,既有世界各国普遍存在的问题,也有中国特有的问题。上述分析坚持了 的方法。
      ①具体问题具体分析 ②两点论与重点论相统一
      ③内因与外因相结合 ④共性与个性相统一
      A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③ D.①④
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 依法执政是我们党执政的一个基本方式。党依法执政意味着
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:
    • 体现着社会主义国家本质特征的是         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 下列有关生物体遗传物质的叙述,正确的是
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 某原子含有6个电子、7个中子,它的化学符号为(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 比较a=0.70.7、b=0.70.8、c=0.80.7三个数的大小关系是          (从大到小排序)
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • -300°的弧度数是         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • When I was in high school, my father retired and set up a food booth on the street near my school. He was particularly good at making . Every day after I finished school, my classmates and I would his food booth. But I really talking to him before his food booth, because I didn’t want my classmates to know my father was selling noodles on the street!
      One night, I couldn’t it any more and shouted, “Dad, could you selling your annoying noodles? I don’t need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment, my father was . He tried to say something but didn’t. When he turned , something happened that I would never . His eyes were filled with tears. I saw him for the first time. My mother later told me my father was selling noodles to money for my college education. Even today I still feel for what I did that night.
      Time really flies. I finished and then left my home to work. During the past years, whenever I home, he was always there meeting me at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me, although I always his hug. When I was away from home, he never wrote or telephoned me, he always pushed my mother to telephone me. Whenever my mother was telephoning me, he’d sit beside her with a list of questions. He’d my mother to talk to me for him. That’s the way he is, and that’s how he shows his to me.
      My father is quiet, but I feel a , which is deep and powerful. It lives in a place far beyond , and it is something special-“a silent father’s love”.
      类型: 完形填空     难度系数:
